Custom-tailored systems
DUE GI SRL manufactures turnkey systems ranging from compressors installation at the End User’s, to distribution, network, including all electrical and plumbing connection.
Thanks to our high skilled and experienced engineers, we are capable of meeting the widest range of Customers’ demands, from small/medium size package units up to large customized turnkey systems.
All products are manufactured, tested, certified and guaranteed in compliance to the specifications and rules required by Customers, including electrical boards and PLC software and hardware.
Compressors – dryers – vessels – chillers and/or heaters can assembled on skids, unique parts which are easy to move, install, transport, and which help avoiding excessive use of space.
Besides, there is no need of further assembling operations during the start-up phase; End Users only need to connect their water/power lines to this Package.
Rotary screw compressors – Oil free and lubricated (screw supplied by GHH under license agreement); Centrifugal & Reciprocating compressors; Skid mounted with or without soundproof canopy; Adsorption dryers
Membrane type and PSA/CMS (pressure swing adsorption/carbon molecular sieves) type, providing N2 purity up to 99,99%. Nitrogen flow rate and purity on Customers demand.
Our Products
What sets us apart
Individually customized turnkey systems
We are capable of meeting the widest range of customers demands, from small/medium size package units, up to large ones.
Tested, certified and guaranteed
We work in compliance with the specifications and rules required by customers (including electrical boards and PLC software and hardware).
Easy to install & Space-saving
Compressors, dryers, vessels, chillers and/or heaters can be assembled on skids.
Fast start-up
No further assembling operations are required during the start-up phase.
DUE GI Srl di cattani giuseppe & c.
Corso Italia 570, Località Mirabello – 44043 Terre del Reno (FE) Tel. 0532.847812 – Fax 0532.358035
REA: FE-136091 -Fiscal code and VAT 01171530387
Business registration: n. 01171530387 – Share capital €. 100.000,00