Treatment of Moisture System
Discharging oil contaminated condensate from compressed air systems is not only harmful to the environment, it is usually illegal.
Product Details
After the oily condensate has been efficiently removed from the compressed air system it cannot be discharged directly to the foul sewer without the oil content being reduced to within legal disposal limits.
The simple, economical and environmental solution is a oil/water separator. Oil/water separators are installed as part of the purification system and simply reduce the oil concentration in the collected condensate.
By reducing the oil concentration in water to a permitted level, this allows the larger volume of clean water, up to 99.9% of the total condensate, to be discharged safely into the foul sewer. This leaves the relatively small amount of concentrated oil to be disposed of legitimately and economically.
DUE GI Srl di cattani giuseppe & c.
Corso Italia 570, Località Mirabello – 44043 Terre del Reno (FE) Tel. 0532.847812 – Fax 0532.358035